3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jaymes at 14 months

It's been a while since I have posted anything specific about Jaymes's growth/development, etc. I will go back to her 12 month wellness apt, we were kind of shocked to learn that she was in the 15-20% percentile for her weight. Jaymes has always been a GOOD eater (crazy good) and from the moment we put her on a 100% table food diet, she has done really well. She definitely has a cute little ROUND (precious) belly that led me to think she was at least around 50% for weight, but we were wrong?! She is tall for her age, which we were not surprised about. Kai and her were both in the 90%th percentile at this age. Jaymes has been a much healthier baby than kai was, she has yet to have an ear infection that requires antibiotics, which we are thankful for. She has had some pretty bad colds though, and when she's feverish, sick, she DOES NOT SLEEP. I don't remember Kai being like that?

Jaymes at 14 months is still eating well, I will say in the last week or 2, she seems to have gotten picky about a few things, but I am not complaining! She likes her whole milk, but she is not as big of a fan as Kai was. Kai would carry a cup of milk around all day, Jaymes is more take it or leave it. She LOVES her waffles (whole wheat, no syrup) that she has every morning and her clementines! I know I sound like a mean mom with the no syrup waffles, but she really likes it just as much both ways, so I don't see any reason to pour sugar on it everyday? She does get butter on them though! She LOVES green beans, which is funny to me, bc I think that's Kai's most hated food of all time. She likes bananas, peanut butter and jelly, pasta, pizza, tortillas, the list goes on and on. She DOES not like Pei Wei, which again in ironic since it's Kai's all time FAVE place to eat.

Jaymes does not seem to be as vocal as Kai was at 14 months. I was looking back at the list of words that Kai was saying at this age, and she's nowhere near talking as much. As of now, she says, Dada, Bubba (kai), nite nite, shoes...that's it!! Tam says some of these are not even legitimate words bc you can barely understand her, but I know what she is saying!

Jaymes was an early walker, 10 months, and can pretty well keep up with Kai now. Kai has to be reminded several times a day to be more gentle with her. He tends to knock her down "on accident" quite a bit, which she takes in stride most the time. Jaymes thinks Kai's pretty hilarious and vise versa, which is pretty great. They get along pretty well most the time, although they do have an occasional tiff over toys. Kai struggles with sharing his stuff with her and still needs to be reminded daily to work on this.
Jaymes is still sleeping really well, most nights in the 8PM-6:30 range. She occasionally will wake in the middle of the night for her paci, but that's pretty rare. She is quite the fan of her paci, and we'd planned to wean her off it at 15 months...not sure we're going to be able to do that or not (or want to for that matter).

Jaymes you are a sweet little thing right now, mommy, daddy and kai love you to pieces!


Blogger Unknown said...

She is so pretty Christy! She and Luke are on just about the same diet, lol he could green beans (and any bean for that matter) 24/7! I am with you on the no syrup...no need for guilt or having to explain yourself, they don't know what they are missing! :)

11:55 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

I LOVE the picture of her all bundled up. She is so adorable!

7:13 PM  

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