3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Bubba's 4th birthday

What's amazing, is I have always hated the nickname "bubba"...and now, tam and I cant stop calling Kai that, we started when he was like a year old, and are still calling him that. I don't like it, but for some reason it stuck...much like "JJ"for Jaymes, I hate it, but I call her that?!
Kai's 4th bday party was at Main Event this year...he had showing interest in bowling lately and so we thought he would like a bowling party. And he did very much! It was also over 100 degrees the weekend of his birthday, so I am glad we opted for an indoor party. I hate that he has to compete with horrible heat every year on his bday, and it seems like the only thing we can do outdoors is be in the water?!
Kai's 4th year, I think, has been the best! We seem to have gotten beyond the tantrums and fits, and Kai is so fun and sweet to be around! He is very affectionate, smart and VERY curious. He shocks me everyday with the things he is capable of understanding and he seems to grow more and more inquisitive about stuff daily. He LOVES LOVES all things dinosaur, its a little bit of an obsession which Tam and I find kinda funny. Kai also loves movies, CANDY, McDonalds, donuts, ....to name a few. He is a HORRIBLE picky eater, and he and his dad and I struggle with this on a daily basis. I do know it could be worse (hardly) but we try to focus on the few healthy things he will eat. He is not open to trying anything new, and often complains about the way certain foods smell (good foods, like pizza, hamburgers)??. He is very much into his friends and his cousins and talks about them frequently. He has always been and continues to very much be ALL BOY. He could not possibly be a more active child, he wears us out..and we love every second. Kai is really good with his little sister, the other day when he woke up he told me "mom, Jaymes is my best friend"..broke my heart.
Kai, one day when (if?) you ever read this, you'll probably know how much your dad and I love you, we've never been shy about telling you. But, for the record, you are the sun in our sky.
Love you
mom and dad


Blogger The Dobbs Family said...

That is so funny! I HATE "bubba" too, but we use it with both boys! I hope Kai had a great Birthday!!

Oh and I feel your pain on the picky eater! It is so frustrating!

1:26 PM  

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