3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

he loves his bath time!

not much new to report....just thought I would post these cute pics of Kai at bath time. Kai LOVES taking a bath. He kicks and splashes water all over the place, practically going crazy the whole time. he does not talk or smile really, he just gets down to business and starts kicking his feet to see how much water he can get out of the tub. Sometimes he even whimpers when we take him out of the water.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

another snow day?

this is very unusual for Fort Worth! Today's snow and ice was unexpected and not really forcasted that well? I had no idea that the weather was supposed to be bad....i woke up at 5:00 AM (sick AGAIN) and was prepared to call my boss and saw the snow.....tam left for work thinking that it was just snow, but called 5 min later and said it was really bad and for me not to leave. So Kai and I are sick today (he with another ear infection and I with a bad cold) so we're just enjoying the snow....tam left the house at 6:30 and at 8:30 he was still not at work....114 had come to a complete stop, so tam finally turned around to come home....so after 3 1/2 hours of driving, he was back home.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

snow day?

well we had planned to get out and about today and run a bunch of errands and get some stuff done, but not sure the weather's going to permit? It rained a TON last night and it may be pretty icy, but we have not checked yet,it may just be wet. So, for now, we're just playing around with all Kai's toys. I really love these pics, but on the TV in the background, it's Chris Farley?!?

Kai had his 6 month appt yesterday, and he's a healthy boy! He was 17 lbs 3.5 ounces and 26.5 inches....that put him in the 49% for weight and 50% for height! I was really worried about his weight and the amount he eats, so I was glad to know he was doing ok weight-wise. Dr Crawford said Kai seems very advanecd for his age (I know, I am a bragger mom) and that his balance and abdominal strength were very advanced! Strong boy!

Kia had 6 SHOTS yesterday and did not have too great of a night last night....we put him to bed a little early and he woke up at 1:15 AM with a fever of 101.7......we gave him tylenol and let him sleep with us, which I do love, but I dont get much sleep when we do that.

mom needs a nap already..I know what's new?!?!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

6 months old

well, we took a break from blogging, but we're back! No we didn't get a new camera, we have just started using our old one....we thought the pics it took we're going to be crap, but they're turning out ok, so we'll continue to use it for now..plus i can't stand not having pics of his every move!!!!

kai turned 6 months on Sat...oh the things that have happend the last 6 weeks! He now has 2 little teeth on the bottem!!! Christmas Eve Kai was very fussy and clingy and I thought it was due to him not napping that day....well, 2 days later 2 teeth poped up, so maybe he was in pain? Nonetheless, we now have 2 little chompers. Kai's still sleeping pretty good..most nights he'll sleep from about 8PM to 5-5AM...we can live with that. He's not the greatest napper, he's way to social to sleep during the day.....that's something we need to work on. Kai's not quite crawiling, but he can get up on all 4's and rock back and forth, so i think it's coming soon? He's very talkative and animated, and i am eager for him to say his first word...better be "ma ma", but i think it will probably be "da da".

for the 1st 6 months of kai's life, he was lucky enough to have his dad stay home with him everyday. what a blessing that has been, kai and daddy are best buds. Well, tomorrow dad has to go back to work full time, so Kai will be staying with his "Abby" (tam's mom) 2 days a week and going to daycare 2 days a week. Mom and dad are a little nervous about this (for no reason) but we know it's for the best. Kai will make some new friends at daycare and be able to spend some qulity time with his Abby too.

I cant beleive the last 6 months have gone by so fast, i am going to look up soon and our baby's going to be 1 year old.....wow.

we SO look forward to the next 6 months baby k....we love you so much
mom and dad