3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Monday, June 23, 2008

ALL boy

If this pic does not accurately portray our little boy, i don't know what does. he loves every ball he has ever owned, baseballs, basketballs, soccer balls, racket balls, wiffle balls...the list goes on. right now, every night we wage the battle of "what can i take to bed with me?" he normally wants to take one of his balls to bed with him, this particular night, he took two..and when I went in to check on him before we went to bed, this is how I found him sleeping.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

we're back!

we've been pretty busy over the last few months. as soon as we got back from Europe, we had 3 offers on our house.....so yes, we have now finally moved. we also found out that we are having another baby (sometime around 12/31)! i have not been feeling all that great over the last few weeks, had alot of trouble eating and overall just lousy morning (all day) sickness....and to top that off, I am suffering from a HORRIBLE case of Poison Oak rash..........long story short, I think kai had it on his shoes and clothes and it got ALL over me....face, neck, torso, back, legs, arms....I am now on about day 10....things are not good, but i am hoping they soon get better..? kai has about 3 little bumps on his arms and luckily they don't seem to bother him.

anyway, in happier news kai is becoming quite the 2 year old. temperamental, opinionated, bossy but also sweet and loving...not too mention a little bit of a mommy's boy (which drives tam crazy). kai is also starting to talk in 2-3 word sentences which has been pretty funny....alot of times we can only understand one of the words, but it's still pretty cute
these pics of kai aren't of anything in particular, but there somewhat recent