3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Monday, July 27, 2009


I know, I know...we have been MIA lately! We've been all over the place.....in a nutshell, since Kai has turned 3, he has had some MAJOR MAJOR anxiety about bedtime, and our nights are no longer lending themselves to uploading pics blogging. By the time we have him in bed and asleep, its time for us to go to bed!! Its been a long 3 weeks, I would like to say we're about over this phase, but I am not sure??? Turning 3 has done a number on our little guy, in general Kai's been going thru a lot of STUFF! Separation anxiety, un-willingness to participate in swim lessons, soccer camp, etc....MAJOR MAJOR attitude and discipline problems, talking back, etc. He's also seemed to have "gotten smarter" (for lack of better term?) overnight, which is a great thing, but along with that, he's become scared of alot of stuff, questions things a lot, FIGHTS everything we ask him to do....all of this is going on at one time, I think its' just a phase for him, I HOPE. I do really love that he's so much better at communicating with us and the funny/cute things he says to us. All in all, with all this growing up, has come the good, the bad and the ugly.

promise to post more when our nighttime becomes a peaceful, calm place again....