3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Monday, October 27, 2008

the footie pjs

one of the many reasons i love cold weather....the footie PJS. I dont know why, but they crack me up. this may be the last year kai's little enough to wear them without looking ridiculous. he got a pretty big kick out of them tonight, he ran around laughing at himself and was jumping up and down like maybe these pjs were going to make him jump higher.

Friday, October 03, 2008

what we've been up to

here's some stuff we've been up to:

few of aunt kiki's high school's football games

craft Saturday at Lowes every other Sat, so far kai's built a sailboat and a firetruck
kai's hair is starting to get long again, and a bit unmanageable.

kai started Mother's Day Out twice a week

Went to a friends wedding and had to leave a little early bc we were really worried that kai was trying to knock down the cake table, in an effort to get a piece of cake..he is his mother's son