3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Monday, August 31, 2009

new pics of Jaymes

Cant really tell from these pics, but miss J finally has enough hair on her head to hold a bow (like a clip)..this makes me VERY VERY happy.

Tam's 10 Year High School Reunion

Tam's 10 reunion was last weekend. My aunt and uncle offered to keep the kids overnight for us, so we could go out and have fun! We needed a night out for sure, and we're thankful they wanted to keep the kiddos. Tam and I had so much fun, we stayed out late and got to sleep in (well, as much as we know how to ?). Tam and I went to the same high school, although yes, I am 3 years older..so I saw lots of the younger siblings of people I went to school with.

back posting (bubba's 3rd birthday)

I just realized I never posted any pics from Kai's third bday. It was a fun day, we spent it at Honey and Gpa's by the pool. We had a slip and slide, but the kids pretty much stuck to swimming. Kai got an electric car (FJ Cruiser) and he's still pretty into it, 2.5 months later, which is good!! Here are some pics from the day.

Monday, August 24, 2009

some new stuff

As in typical pruitt fashion, we let the anti-virus software on our computer expire......long story short, we had to buy more RAM in order to get the latest virus scanners, and it took some time...also just got a new camera, which was much needed.
here's few shots i got of tam and the kids in the last few days
things are pretty chaotic around here with Jaymes on the move...she is un-stopable. Kai starts school next week, which is VERY good for him, lots of activity and things to do, which is the best possible thing for our high-energy, strong willed, intense, loving little guy. sleep has gotten better around here, in fact, I dare say we are doing GOOD in that area...Kai still has to go to bed with the door open, but all in all, he's not having near the bed-time anxiety he was about a month ago.

Friday, August 07, 2009

well our youngest is now mobile...

Yes, sweet Jaymes is now crawling. Its been about a week now and she's pretty much all over the place. Jaymes also has TWO teeth now, the first popped thru about the time she turned 7 months and the 2nd one, I just noticed last night. I've been giving her tiny pcs of banana and avocado at night on her high chair tray, mainly just to keep her occupied while I cook dinner. Surprisingly, she's done pretty well with the pincer grasp and so far likes both avocado and bananas. She has had few of the Gerber yogurt puffs and LOVES those. She still sleeping pretty well, most nights, down by 9AM usually up between 6-6:30. However, occasionally, she will have a late night/early morning wake up. As I sit and write this, I am EXHAUSTED due to her gettting up at 4AM today, finally going to sleep again at 5:45, Kai getting up about 5:50......AGH.