3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dr Pruitt and his chick

well, for the first time, i think kai really "got" halloween this year. he was interested in what he was going to be, and got the biggest kick out of his costume this year. he was very excited about trick or treating, even though he had no idea what that meant, this was our first year to do it. most of the trick or treating involved the kids RUNNING NON STOP from door to door. kai was a rookie, so he would watch the other kids and more or less just do what they did. he was very excited about the massive bucket of candy that he dumped out when we were done! he was agreeable to eat just 3 pcs for the night, but i kept catching him trying to sneak candy all night. jaymes was a chick(yes same costume from kai's first halloween, i cant help it, i love it too much). she was pretty content to ride in the stroller, until the last 2o min or so. after that she was tired of the costume and ready to go to bed.

For Kiki

Kiki's last pep rally, its her Sr year! Took the kids, thought that they would enjoy all the fanfare, and they def did! Kai has a facination with the Bearcat Mascot, and finally (at the end of the season) has warmed up to him enough to give him a high five.