3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

brother and sister

Not much to say about this pic....just love it so much!

'lil cowboy

So Kai had "Rodeo Day" at school last week..this is our poor excuse for a cowboy outfit, but hey what can I say....Kai's style (dictated by us of course) is DEF more urban/surfer/long hair/california boy.....Tam is VERY particular about what kai wears, and usually any outfit I pick out is not up to his standards....so this is why when "Rodeo Day" rolled around, our choices were VERY limited...
not sure why he's carrying around his camo Easter basket, 2 weeks after Easter...that basket has been a big hit to say the least.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I am a little behind on posting on Jaymes' 4 month stats.....she was 13 lbs 10 ozs (50%) and cant remember her length, but it put her in the 95% for her height....which is good news for her 5'4" mom, here's to hoping she is blessed with her daddy's genes for height....it's tough being short!!!

JJ is doing good overall...she sleeps pretty solid at night, does not normally wake at night. She has been doing a little (well sometimes a lot!) crying before she falls asleep lately..think she is overtired and just needs to cry it out. I let her cry for 5 min, go in her room give her the paci, then let her cry another 5 min...this has gone on for upwards of an hour few days this week. Frustrating, but I think she will be over this soon, and really she is pretty great sleeper overall so I can't complain too much. YES she is still in her miracle sleep swaddle blanket.....so what??? I mean even if she does have to take it to Kindergarten for naps, that's cool right?!?! I know, I know, we need to wean her off this blanket, and we will...soon, maybe, we'll see?

JJ is VERY much a mama's girl. She wants to have mama in sight at ALL times and really prefers to be held by me all the time. I think it is sweet of course and I don't mind it, but it does make getting things done around the house a bit difficult. Also, I do feel bad that I cannot always pay as much attention to kai as I would like, bc I am almost ALWAYS holding Jaymes. I guess that is what his daddy is for? Kai has done pretty well adjusting to Jaymes being around, and I think having to share my attention with her has actually been good for him.

Jaymes Renee, you are a sweetheart and as far as I am concerned, the most adorable little girl on God's green Earth. You may be a little high maintenance at times, with your extreme dislike of being put down and not being held. But, I figure, you're our last baby, I will hold you as much as I can.....gladly!
-love mama

Monday, April 13, 2009

I am sorry but....

I have the 2 cutest kids ever.....
And I am only their mom, so in no way is that biased...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

why so serious??

few shot of miss J...she has begun to laugh and smile much more lately, but I can never seem to catch them on camera. you cant really tell from these pics, but gal has lost the majority of her hair....few litte wispies on top is all we got, not near enough for the obnixous bows I am always subjecting her to!

tree hugger

lately, we have tried to let kai play outside as much as possible. he will run around for hours on end, picking up sticks and rocks, weeds, clumps of mud, etc...one day this week, I could not find him anywhere after I had gone inside to change Jayme's diaper. I finally heard a little voice "mama, I am in my tree" and this is how I found him. He loves climbing in this tree, although he cannot get very high in it, he does not know the difference!!!