3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Monday, May 18, 2009

dearest jaymes renee

i cannot believe you are already 5 months!! i think because this age is my FAVE, you seem to be racing through it, and i hate that. I want you to be 5-6 months old forever, and i know that is ridiculous. I just love this stage though because you are such a little snuggle bug, you love to be held, you laugh, you smile, you talk to us (in your own way) and you just could not be any cuter. I know that there are lots of great ages you will pass through, but so far both you and your brother were just dolls at this age. You still sleep pretty solid (YES, still in the miracle blanket :), although you are an EARLY riser most days (5:15 anyone?).

You have been eating rice cereal for about a month now, and you like it ok, but are still not that great at eating it, most of it still ends up on the bib!!!

you think your brother is hilarious, you laugh at him and his antics...he loves you very much as well, but has to be reminded every SEC to be gentle with you, he adores you, but also wants to tackle you, plow you down and knock you down..that is his love language.

You are still a pretty bad mama's girl, and are very easily overwhelmed by crowds and loud groups of people. You have gotten a little bit more friendly with both sets of grandparents and aunts and uncles....you are not near the social butterfly your brother was, and that's ok...you just need to warm up to people.

JJ you are just a little ray of light in our family of 4 (well, and kai too)....I hope this growing up slows down a tad..
