3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Jumping Party

I mentioned a few weeks ago that Kai loves to go to "Jumping Party". He will wear himself totally out by running non stop for an hour, climbing stairs and going down slides. But oh how does he love it. I think it's great that he loves it so much, it's great excercise and really, he is just a boy and needs the phyisical outlet! We try to go on Friday's because it's open jump (jump as long as they want for $7), but latelty we've been busy and we've missed a few Fridays.

Monday, February 04, 2008

sorry, it's been a while

I think i have mentioned before that Tam does not help much with blogging, so it's sometimes hard to find time to get on here and update. not too much is new on our front, as we speak Kai is fighting some kind of bug (isn't he always). he was fighting a fever almost all day, when we got home tonight he was up to 102.7....gave him some Motrin and he seems to be okay..at least it's not ear infections, I remember this time last year we started on our downhill slide of ear infection after ear infection, after ear infection. Life after ear tubes has been good.

this last weekend (FRI) we went to "Jumping Party", which is basically an indoor playground for kids with bounce houese and inflatable slides. Kai's still pretty little and needs help getting up some of the slides and such, but he does love it! I did not take my camera (dumb I know)
here's some random recent pics of Kai