3's Company

This is the story of Tam, Christy, Kai and Jaymes.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

we got a walker (almost)

for about 2 weeks now, kai has been able to take about 5 steps at time

but he really has no urge to walk anywhere?

probably because he is the fastest crawler of all time, and gets where he needs to be very promptly.

this weekend has been BRUTAL with kai's sleeping patterns, Sat AM up at 5:45, Sun AM up at 5:35 AM.....maybe he's anxious to practice his walking. i doubt it, seeing as how we have to force and bribe him with toys to walk. but man 'ol man this early rising is killing mom. since we were up with the chickens on Sun, tam decided we should take kai to Krispy Kream, and introduce him to the best donuts ever. kai very much enjoyed his 2 donut holes and milk. i know i know, prob not the best breakfast for a 1 yr old, but hell, he needs to energy to walk right?

Thursday, June 07, 2007

11 months and a birthday!!!!

No not kai's birthday, but his new cousin Kenrie's ACTUAL BIRTH DAY. We have been excited about getting a girl in the family!! She's going to be pretty out numbered by all her boy cousins, but she's be a tough one I imagine. We saw Kenrie for the 1st time yesterday and she's just perfect! 6 lbs, 5 ounces and just a sweetheart!! Congrats Tye and Krissy

Kai turned 11 months old yesterday, and oh the changes the last month have brought!!! I can proudly say he has added 2 new words to his vocab, "duck" and "uh oh"....but "uh oh" sounds more like "uh uh" when he says it.....so so so cute!

Kai has been getting pretty brave and stared standing up on his own for a few seconds. He is still too scared to take any steps, but he will stand up for a few seconds and balance himself. He really has decided that the best place to practice standing like this, is the bathtub.....which as you can imagine causes some problems.

Kai still goes to bed REALLY well at night and without a fight, and he sleeps great all night long. BUT the child is an early riser for sure. I am talking 6AM on the dot everyday. Now during the week this is fine, I am up at 5:30 everyday anyway. But Sat and Sun, come on, 7 would be nice??

Love you more and more everyday baby boy!!

and no, i am not the worst aunt in the world and forgot to take a pic of baby kenrie, i am just the biggest idiot in the world and cannot find our camera cord to upload the pics. typical.